Direct Talent Acquisitions,
a Shorter Way to Success
Supporting strategy planning
and execution leveraging
500,000 cases
of recruiting data

  • SONY
  • Yahoo! JAPAN
  • DiDi Food
  • asahi
  • sansan
  • baycurrent

What are the most challenging things
about direct talent acquisitions?

  • No Response
    from Candidates

  • Too Many Processes
    to Follow

  • No Accomplishment

  • Unable to Make
    an Active Talent Pool

  • Cannot Tell the Difference of
    Direct Talent Acquisition Media

Why Directsourcing was founded

CEOTomoaki Takemura

Profile in detail

We want to change recruitment activities that rely on intuition and subjectivity.

What I felt strongly after establishing a recruitment service company was that most companies were hiring based on intuition and subjectivity.
At Directsourcing, we want to solve this issue using data.
If companies can hire candidates by their skills…

  • For the companies, they will be able to work
    with candidates who are a better match

  • The candidates will be able to keep demonstrating their abilities in various companies

Structural issues in the background

Structural issues
in the background

Most recruitments
in Japan are carried out
through agents
or recruiting media

Japan Agents&Media 55%, US Agents&Media 23%

2015 Employment Paths in the US
(Source: Recruit Works Institute)

Structural issues
in the background

Talent Acquisition on direct talent acquisitions requires Professional Skillsets

Sales, Marketers, Advisors, Engineers, Data Scientists, Researchers

Structural issues
in the background

Few in your company has
direct recruiting skillsets

DS will solve your problems
around Talent Acquisitions


Leveraging data to strategize talent acquisitions on direct talent acquisitions

Directsourcing calculates the shortest route to a successful direct talent acquisition based on sourcing data from our past 500,000 cases in 40 various media. We can support strategy planning and operations on all 20 media including BizReach, LinkedIn, Green and Wantedly.

LinkedIn, paiza, Wantedly, Qiita, Eight, forkwell, LAPRAS


Maximize the effect of scout mails using technology

We will Optimize your operation process thoroughly by technology. This is a value we can offer because we are a team focused on engineers.


Cloud Report will strongly accelerate your talent acquistion PDCA cycle

You can view your candidates, reply rates and interview rates on our cloud platform.
The PDCA cycle is fast and will lead you to a shorter route to achieving your goals.


Top-class expertise in operating LinkedIn in Japan

Directsourcing is the first LinkedIn partner in Japan.
Please contact us if you have any issues with operations on LinkedIn.


Q. How much does your service cost?

Please click "Download Price List"

Q. What are the recruiting media that you can operate on behalf of us?

We can provide full representative operation on the following 15 media.

  • LinkedIn
  • BizReach
  • Wantedly
  • AMBI
  • Openwork
  • Green
  • forkwelljobs
  • DODA Recruiters
  • Nikkei Career NET
  • Eight Career Design
  • Liiga
  • en Middle-no-Tenshoku
  • LabBase
  • Miidas
  • Qiita Job
  • Paiza
  • キャリトレ
  • キャリアクロス
  • iroots

* Media not listed above can also be consulted.

Q. From when will you be able to manage talent acquistions for us?

We will be able to manage talent acquistions for you after 2 weeks of preparation.

What kinds of companies do you support hiring?

We support mainly foreign companies and large Japanese companies besides venture companies. If you would like to read more cases in detail, please click here.

Q. What are the industries or occupations that you are particularly strong at?

Many of our hiring achievements have been around positions that are oridinarily said to be difficult to acquire(AI engineers, data scientists, CxO Class, researchers etc.) We also have many talent acquisition achievements in other industries and occupations.

Q. How long is the term of contract?

Generally, the shortest term of contract is 6 months. A full-year contract will be available for further discount compared to our 6 months plan. If you desire a shorter term of contract, please contact us from here.

Q. What are the strengths unique to Directsourcing?

We have 2 strengths.
First, we are able to offer our support in direct talent acquisitions from strategy planning based on data through to its execution. We have our unique sourcing data from all 15 platforms, and therefore can calculate the shortest route to successful talent acquisitions. This is a value we can offer because we are a team focused on engineers.

Second, our recruitment support will be offered to you by our staffs with deep understanding of the positions. For example, a recruitment support to acquire engineers will be conducted by an ex-engineer, and recruitment for a marketer will be conducted by our ex-marketer staff.

Q. Do you have a support system?

Yes, we do. Even if you do not have any experience in direct talent acquisitions, or if you have just started, we will support you so that you can start confidently and achieve results. For example, we have various improvement programs including how to conduct a telephone interview or a casual interview, ways to improve a job advertisement, how to elevate the efficiency of the recruiting process, and how to increase access to your corporate website.

Q. What can we use for our everyday communication?

We basically communicate with our clients through an online platform, but we can also use various tools including e-mails, Slack, Chatwork and Teams.

Q. Do you offer direct talent acquistion support to hire new graduates?

Sure, we can. For details on past cases and achievements, please click here.


Can you support talent acquisitions of those who live abroad?


Sure, we can. For details on past cases and achievements, please click here.


Can we ask you to do our recruitment branding?


Sure, we can. We will construct a media or a social media that is best suited for you based on our analysis on inflow route, user interviews, competitors and etc. We can create and operate a content that can arouse recognition, interest and requirements of the wanted persona. For details of past cases and achievements, please click here.

Q. It seems like our workload will increase due to communication, but how much workload will we be able to cut down if we ask for support by Directsourcing?

As a conclusion, your workload will not increase. On the premise that generally, we communicate directly with the person(s) in charge of recruitment and not with person(s) in charge of HR. After kicking-off the project, we would like to ask you for a couple of hours for an initial interview and feedback in order to share the same image of the candidates. Through this process, we will enhance the accuracy, and aim to decrease the process necessary for HR document selection. At a certain company we support, we achieved a document selection passage rate of around 80~90%. In addition, we share the image of our target with person(s) in charge of recruitment based on the accumulated data of candidates to whom the scounting emails have been sent, so we are able to apply the PDCA cycle fast.

Steps until service launch

  • 01


    Discussion on your issues with direct talent acquisitions and wanted positions

  • 02


    Research population of each direct media, set KPI for direct talent acquistions

  • 03


    Conclusion of contract

  • 04


    Launch project

Corporate Profile

Company NameDirect Sourcing Inc.
EstablishmentNovember 2015
CEOTomoaki Takemura
Board of
Tomoaki Takemura(CEO) Co-Founder
Kenta Mishima(CTO) Co-Founder
Yoshiki Nomiyama(CSO) *Chief Success Officer
Hiroki Akiyama(Director)
Masaki Nakazawa(Auditor)
Number of
55(April 2024)
Location1-1-1 Nishishinbashi Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0003
Capital10 million yen
Bank AccountSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
BusinessData-driven recruiting focused on Direct Sourcing

Privacy Mark Certified Company
We keep our customers’ information and provide our services with a thorough security system and under strict management, We will continue to improve our security environment to ensure our customers a comfortable experience.

We will provide a tailored
solution to your problems

Direct Talent Acquisitions,
a Shorter Way to Success

Supporting strategy planning
and execution leveraging
350,000 cases
of recruiting data